Infernal Initiation: your personal initiation into Demonolatry and the Infernal Current


Demons - what are they? 

Evil entities who fell from heaven and now serve the devil to tempt mankind into sin and depravity? Ancient gods and goddesses, that have been degraded into lower forms by Abrahamic religion to spread fear and maintain control? Or merely psychological concepts that reside in our own minds and our shadow? 

Perhaps a combination of all three or something entirely different… the truth is no one is entirely sure and no label is beyond an educated guess. The complexity of these beings is beyond what the human mind can comprehend. But what we do know is what these entities can do. 

Whether it’s through higher magick or lower magick, demons will empower us to make changes and alchemise parts of ourselves so that we can become enlightened through their gnosis and lead a life we take pride in and have a legacy to leave behind. 

In order to access these beings to this level, it requires a degree of training and skill development. Training of the mind and the Self, overcoming limitations and past unhelpful beliefs, confronting your shadow, building up psychic abilities such as clairvoyance and telepathy, opening ourselves up to the current. 

This is the world that I want to show you. I am going to take you through an intensive process that will lift the veil and give you access to power within yourself that you didn’t know you possessed. As long as you show dedication and commitment, you will not only be fully equipped with all you need to have a powerful and effective demonolatry practice, but feel totally renewed within yourself and empowered like never before. 

If you are not willing to work hard and show dedication and commitment, this program is not for you. But if you are, consider booking in your free discovery call to learn more and to see if this program is for you. The power and strength that you seek is waiting for you. 

To learn more about this program, book a free discovery call here